Before you dive into trying to understand your loved one’s unique “brain language,” it’s essential to pour a solid foundation for yourself. This foundation will save you mental energy and make communication far easier in the long run. Think of these steps as the mental tools that will help you automate your responses and free up your brain for what really matters. With these concepts mastered, you can confidently build upon them and start speaking your loved one’s language.
You are all so lost and disoriented:
When you are living in overwhelm, your amygdala has been hijacked, your brain tells you limited options to "protect you." This is an easy way for negativity to creep in. You believe you are living and operating from your entire brain, but you are actually only using .3% of your brain's volume when you are stuck in your amygdala. Amygdala hijack actually cuts off connection to your prefrontal cortex and other areas of your brain. This distorts your reality and perception. It also affects your memory and makes it harder to remember what's good about yourself and others. You CAN NOT trust your brain when it's telling you that you can't escape the overwhelm. We can help you out. And you are closer than you think.
2. You can only trust it after you learn YOUR tools:
You can only trust your brain after you have learned YOUR tools. This means you have activated the neural networks that represent "Baby Steps Box", "Loved One Box", "Beyond Control," and "Information Box" (Just to name a few). After this, you can only TRUST your brain as it pertains to YOUR own interpretation of YOUR own behaviors and direction YOU need to go.
3. DO NOT TRUST YOUR BRAIN to interpret their language or behavior:
You do NOT speak their language! So any time you try to interpret WILL be wrong. BEFORE you try to speak their language you MUST complete all of these steps. You CANNOT trust your brain to translate correctly. No matter how much it SWEARS it HAS to be right.
4. Get a testimony of the materials and framework:
YOU MUST read and resonate with it. When you see for yourself that its TRUE it becomes your new measuring stick when trying to interpret things. This will become your PILLAR of truth that you can always come back to when enduring the chaos of trying to learn a new brain language.
5. It’s black and white:
It's either ALL a wiring issue or NOT a wiring issue. You and them are either wired differently or you are both just A** HOLES and we can't help A**HOLES. Don't waste time (yours and ours) if you don't fully believe it's a wiring issue. We only have tools for wiring issues! If you don't believe this, then why are you here? I won't be able to convince you if deep down you don't believe their is a missing piece. On this topic, you're either all in or all out. No cherry-picking certain traits are jerk this or that. And if it's wiring, we got stuff to help. So that's the good news.
6. Utilize the Shortcuts:
You ONLY have PROOF it's a wiring issue. When you read and know the material. You see it's a wiring issue. You DON'T have to log behaviors, track words, or waste mental energy guessing what is and isn't a wiring issue. If you see ANY amount that says it's a wiring issue. Then it's a WIRING issue. You don't need to verify the rest because it's either ALL a wiring issue or they’re just a jerk. Pick one and stick with it.
7. Realize you have zero proof it's NOT wiring:
The only time you think it's NOT wiring is when you are interpreting the language (and behaviors) from the wrong LANGUAGE (interpreting from YOUR brains perspective). It's NOT credible because YOU DON'T speak the same language. You cannot tell someone who speaks Chinese that they said something wrong or rude when you DON'T speak the language. You literally have ZERO proof.
8. Save Yourself Time:
YOU NEVER have to manually process their intentions, actions, or behaviors EVER again. Save yourself the emotional and mental energy. Always ask "is this a wiring issue or are they a jerk?" You DON'T have to waste time picking apart at the leaves in the trees. It's ALWAYS wiring. Let your dang brain rest and focus on troubleshooting the wiring issue!
9. Resolve discrepancies with a consistent measurement:
Whenever you get hurt or annoyed by your loved one, always compare the behavior/words/actions to the truth that you established in Step 4. The core truth that you know is that it's a wiring issue. So the in-the-moment issue was not intentional. You are missing a piece of the puzzle and need to find it. No one is attacking. You don't speak the same language. That is all. Nothing malicious.
10. Ask the right kind of questions:
You become an investigator to find the missing piece. The information that connects your truth you KNOW to the current situation. You ask clarifying questions. YOU do NOT question their overall intentions, or question if their brain type really is different. IE: "Do you even speak Chinese? Is this even a cultural thing? " THOSE questions are INSULTING. The type of questions you'd be asking is "what do you mean when you say ______" Along the lines of "how do you say ___ in chinese?" Or "In your culture, what do you do when ___?" And then NOT spitting in their face when they explain it!
You CAN NOT attempt to learn their language until you have mastered these 10 steps at LEAST!
This was published in our 2023 program. Since then, we have had a discoveries that will help make this list much easier to remember. Once completely and fully implemented, the Information Box is a PERFECT box to help people absorb information about our loved ones, without being reactive and retalitory.