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Your Ultimate Goal: How BTG Can Help You Recover Your Investment

Updated: Jun 4, 2024

For Those Who Feel Hopeless

For some of you, your relationship is so horrible, you may find yourselves with no desire to save it. This impedes your ability to see the overall goal of your marriage. Who would want to save something that’s trash? The amazing thing about people and relationships is that they can be redeemed and restored quite easily with the proper tools, care, and instruction. Think about it, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” The only difference between the man who saw trash and the man who saw treasure was perspective.

Ever seen a relationship so deteriorated, and the couple splits, just to find two new people who treat them differently and magically they are in successful, fulfilling relationships… They took what they learned from their previous relationship and applied it to the next person. As a young married woman, this was one of my personal pet peeves that I would get annoyed about. I always wondered why they didn’t just CHANGE for their current partner.

Our Personal Journey

As our own marriage deteriorated to the point of perceived unredeemable doom, the idea of moving on became more and more attractive. I began to understand why people did what they did. You often can’t think clearly when you're in distress like that, so that’s why they weren’t thinking of all the options for saving it, it was only after they were out of the distressing situation that they were able to even apply what they knew. One of the things I couldn’t get out of my head was my investment in this. Emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, time, spiritually! I had spent 14 years in this relationship. Right before our breakthrough, I realized I COULD move on and have an amazing relationship with someone else, I was confident, I had learned so much. But I didn’t want to throw away our relationship and have everything WE had built together, go to waste. Plus, I kinda loved that guy (that’s sarcasm, I loved him a lot, even when I hated him). 

Any kind of big investment is always a risk, you are putting a lot of yourself in there. We do it with the hopes it won’t fall flat. Then when it starts to, we believe it is the other person's fault, we know we’ve been doing our best, but deductive reasoning tells us it MUST be the other person. We try a few things when this happens. We either try to force the other person to change, by control or manipulation, (these come in more forms than you realize!) because we think they are the gatekeeper of our happiness (the concept that you will be miserable if they don’t change) and that leaves us to be a victim to the circumstance, which in actuality, leaves you miserable, hopeless, and checked out. Or you might attempt to make changes independently (“This is my life, I'm doing what I want and I don’t care what you do”). These changes look like the only path forward, it often drives a wedge between you both, and your partner is usually not very happy about it. Does this sound familiar?  None of those options will help you recover the investment you made. Those roads lead to losing the entire investment. 

The Relationship Payoff

So the relationship that might be trash right now, can become the biggest payoff you have ever had. Like stock markets that fluctuate, your relationship’s value can fluctuate, so for those who are thinking it’s not worth it, throw it away. Well, I guess you’re right. Look at bitcoin back in 2010. Each coin was only worth .09 cents. If you bought $45 dollars worth, you would have 500 coins worth exactly that, $45. If you look at it out of context, $45 is worth practically nothing in this day and age. You could throw away your tokens. But everyone knows how bitcoin is now. That $45 would now be 33,653,000 dollars. So, while you’re right about the current state of your relationship, it’s probably trash, and the forecast looks dim, there is NO possible way it will get better. I want you to consider that I have insider information that can change the value of your relationship so you not only DON’T lose your investment, but instead, it grows exponentially. Pretend for a minute, I am YOU from the future, coming to tell you the answers. That won’t work if you don’t believe we weren’t as crappy as you are now. 

The Path Forward

So while you’re right! Your current relationship is NOT worth fighting for! I wouldn’t want you to fight for what you currently have. It’s toxic and miserable and not fulfilling. I want you to fight for the potential of what it can be. And in reality, my relationship is now priceless, 33 Million doesn’t even come close to the value. And I would go through the torture, pain, confusion, hopelessness, darkness, and despair all over again if it led me to THIS outcome again. 

So, with that cleared up. The ultimate goal of neurodiverse relationships is to create deep, loving, connected, and supportive relationships between individuals who have different Brain Types©, Brain Languages©, and experiences. We don’t want anyone on a relationship “hospice” anymore. When the relationship is almost dead, both partners just do whatever they can to stay comfortable before it finally ends.

Before our breakthrough, everyone had always just said to get used to and deal with the differences, go against your instinctual urge to acheive connection, or get it elsewhere. The solutions didn’t satisfy the hunger in my soul for something more. There HAD to be more. We knew there HAD to be a better way, but we were literally killing ourselves in the process. We were blessed by God with an experience that changed our lives and perspectives and set us on a path that gave us the tools to finally address the core issues. Finally, real concrete solutions. We fought for years so YOU don’t have to keep fighting. All you have to do is do the work. We already found the path. We’re happy to share the recipe with you. The crazy thing about our program is we actually give you tangible steps to DO with specific tools, you MUST do them or it defeats the purpose. 

GOAL: So if you want a relationship, where you feel loved, valued, seen, heard, understood, connected, adored, respected, desired, supported, and where you can grow as a couple, then listen up. We will achieve it through the following steps. Others may have had similar steps, but there was crucial missing information at the foundation that altered everyone's outcomes. This is what we discovered and will teach you. 

  1. Building self-awareness: Encouraging self-awareness in both individuals and helping you  to understand how your Brain Type ©, Brain Language©, and experience affects your relationship. You are drowning and that must be addressed. Some of you are drowning so much, your brain has built walls to prevent you from accessing the areas that make you drown. If you need to test if you are drowning, try having a loving, connected, satisfying conversation with your loved one. Where you both feel seen, heard, accepted and loved unconditionally. If you can’t do that, you’re drowning, at least regarding your relationship. 

  2. Building understanding and acceptance: Developing a deep understanding and acceptance of one another's unique experiences, strengths, and challenges. Once you are not drowning anymore, you will be neuroavailable to absorb the new information that allows you to see and understand the other person for who they truly are. You will learn about their brain type and how it explains all their current, past, and future behaviors. No more cage-fighting a monster in the dark. The lights are on and you clearly see. 

  3. Empathy: Cultivating empathy and compassion for one another, this will help to create a deeper understanding and a more connected relationship. When you truly understand each other's experiences, this allows you a love and compassion that spans language barriers. You understand the root, you are no longer consumed by the leaves in the trees. 

  4. Communication: Building effective communication skills, being able to express needs and preferences, and listening actively to each other. Through the use of Communication Companions, we will teach you how to break down your communication into something that WORKS to get what you want without hurting your loved one. 

  5. Collaboration: Learning to work together to find solutions, to create an environment in which both individuals feel seen and heard. We do this by showing you how to use the Boxes, Wellbeing Assessment Chart © and how to see every possible option and solution in each scenario. 

  6. Flexibility: Being open to trying new things and being flexible in how you approach your relationship. With your tools, you will learn there are LOTS of ways to “skin a cat”. You CAN do things differently. And we teach you how to process those options easily and automatically with your new boxes.

  7. Support: Providing emotional and practical support to help each other navigate through the challenges that may arise due to your Brain Types©.  We teach you how to be the type of support each other needs. You’ll learn about how to be a “Logic Doula” or “Emotional Doula.” We show you the purpose and give you the tools to do it without harming yourself in the process.   Perspective and understanding goes a long way.

  8. Empowerment: Empowering both individuals to reach their full potential is key to cultivating the best possible relationship. Our approach begins by helping you achieve a healthy individual state and builds on this stable foundation to excel together as a couple.

Whenever you are drowning, love turns into a transactional exchange and people naturally become more like objects. This is in no way intentional. This is just a sign of overwhelm. This is not limited to romantic relationships either, this is in every facet of your life. They are either giving or taking away from you. (They are giving or taking away your time, they are giving or taking away your mental/emotional energy, etc…) As much as we desire a healthy relationship while drowning, it’s simply unattainable. In this state, it’s easy to see the other person as responsible for your happiness. This leaves us feeling hopeless and powerless to ever be happy.

Attempting to put others first while you’re still struggling leads to resentment, codependency, and poor mental health. This is not the relationship we want for you, but this is often where most people are when they begin their journey at BTG.

This is why our first focus is on creating a stable, individual foundation. Once you both are in a secure mental space, you can shift towards a thriving relationship where you both contribute to each other’s happiness.

When two healthy individuals come together, they can move from feeling responsible for each other’s happiness to being capable of contributing to and enhancing it. In this dynamic, both partners actively support and uplift each other, creating a fulfilling and nurturing relationship.

I must repeat… this type of relationship is currently not possible with the current wiring existing in your relationships. Neither party has the capacity or ability to execute the type of relationship they want, no matter how hard they try and no matter how many times they repeat the same thing. You will NOT get different results doing the same thing.

You MUST change things. You MUST learn the BTG tools and framework to get the relationship that you want. You BOTH need to have the neural networks activated to get the end result. But remember, you only need ONE to initiate the change.

The best part is, the person who is instigating change will NOT need to wait for the other to get relief. Relief begins when your journey starts.

Start now. Don't wait.

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